Only because Andy asked....

....I am posting this early about our road trip!
So, here we go.....last sunday, started out driving from Amelia Island to Pensacola to see our friend Matt.....
we went a little crazy....

and thought we were gangstas.....

got there, and went to the beach....on a CLOUDY was so much fun though.....and we were rebels.....none of that staying back 10 feet stuff....

Drove all 11.5 hours to Texas to see Tim! We went to the Hyatt and they have this 50 story tower with a rotating cocktail lounge...

And since we were in Texas, we went to shoot stuff! Now I can say I know how to shoot skeet!
So then we went to a baseball game....and come on are we supposed to look awesome when we have a millisecond to prepare?!?!

Baseball? Shooting? Gangsters? How quintessentially American.. Kiddeth ;-)
Going to the beach on a cloudy day - vvvvvvv British. Nice to see your few visits to our green and pleasant land rubbed off on ya.
Anyway Kat sounds like a fun trip. Hope Tim 'That Dawg'll Hunt' is doing well back in Texas and life is treating you well in...Florida is it?
Thanks for stopping by my blog again. I might post again soon. SHOCK-HORROR!
I'm sorry we couldn't hook up when you were Dallas - darn wedding. Looks like you had fun. =)
kat's got the big guns now, eh? perhaps it'll come in handy should you need to protect your fearless leaders ;)
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