So this week, Katy and I went to Sardinia/Sardegna (the Italian spelling) for our spring break was really fun, but I will regale you with the stories of our odyssey later.....after these messages from our sponsors....So....
As Katy and I were walking down a dirt road in search of things for Katy to take pictures of, she says "Kat, you and I have very different tastes...." and at the time, I really couldn't think of anything that stood out except for the fact that I'm not a big fan of pictures.....earlier that day she said "I love pictures, I am sad for people who lived before cameras" and I thought to myself, "umm....they're not always that awesome" haha
I can't stand trying to make something boring or ugly look good in a picture....if its not at least HALF cool, I don't want to bother......I think I'm half decent in making something cool look cooler, but its not something I seek out all the time......
and on that note, I will share some of my amusing pictures I took this week....
this is the most amusing one I have...its like a half-tunnel in a mountain :)

and of the sun after trying to capture many different angles, finally got this slightly interesting one....

And every STINTer should be required to visit..

And then the compulsory pictures of the beach that are hard to screw up....

that's all I got for now.......hope you enjoyed!
Looks like you had a good wee trip Kat. And i like the pictures. Nice. Oh and was STINTINO a fun place to visit?
oh so pretty!
those are some pretty impressive photographs, miss cameras-really-aren't-that-great ;)
STINTINO was pretty awesome.....wait a second...I didn't blog about spring break! I must do that soon....
ha well, thanks Francine, but you didn't see the 200 other pics that ended up on Katy's camera over the week... HA
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