Saved the best for last...
or is it first because this one is going to be listed first on my blog page? hmm...oh well...
And last, but not all time, utmost, awesomest, and unbelievable Olympic moment......I got to go see Freestyle Moguls!!!!! It was great........Nate came with, and we got to sit next to Toby Dawson's (the bronze medalist) girlfriend and her family, so they gave us signs to hold up.......and if anybody saw a sign like this on tv, that was us holding it!

Wow. Exciting stuff. Here in Liverpool me and my housemates watched the moguls from the comforts of a very British couch, making lots of 'ooooohh' and 'ahhhhh' noise every few mins. Awesome.
I'm so glad you guys got to go!! we def. thought about you a ton the whole time you were there. what a life changing experience :)
HEY!! Yes, we did enjoy the day-o-fun on the slopes. We thought it would be the last good weekend but apparently the weather here has taken a new turn and is FREEZING!
You guys look like you had so much fun at the Olympics. I am so excited that you guys got to go! Now, that is a plug to get people to go on stint! haha
Well, I just posted a new comment, and I must say its a doosey! haha
it was SO FUN.....everybody should get to go to one Olympics in their lives, AT LEAST...
HEY! UK folks! 2012 is comin up! hahaha
awwwwwwww thanks Tim, now what can we take you to? I want to see you enjoy something beyond my imagination! haha
well Tim, I will just have to send a video camera with your brother to capture your excitement for me to see when you get back....
and come to think about it, you were pretty beside yourself when we were in Dublin, I had forgotten about that :) I should feel special to have witnessed that expression of passion HAHA
It was the least I could do bro, you made yourself vulnerable to the Disney psychoness a few days prior ;)
It was a joy for both of us.....I wouldn't have wanted to do Dublin with anybody else :)
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