Sunday, January 22, 2006

The infamous mid-year....

Yes ladies and gentlemen, we find ourselves upon the ever-so-exciting time of mid-year....the time where all of the most isolated americans in Europe (and other various places)get together and be....un-isolated? haha

Mid-year is probably the place where people see very foggily through their STINT goggles that they have been fabricating over the past couple months and start to get interested in random guys or girls from other STINT teams just because you are sick of the guys or girls on your team or because of your isolated-ness, you see something you like and it gets magnified and develops into a week-long romance......but then you have the adorably sweet story of Mike and Sara (agh I really don't know how she spells her name...wait I am not even sure what she looks like!) from last year's Salerno and Liverpool STINT teams, respectively, who are getting married in June because of a joke that started last year in the magical place that is Narja, Spain. *pause to recover from that humongous possibly run-on sentence that just ended*

So as funny as we all are, Salerno has been joking about who we can set up this year at mid-year (don't deny it LP, ya'll have done it too). So we have 2 options at the moment...

First option:
Nathan, our fearless leader has been nominated by our Salerno team to find a woman.....we can't really give him too many limitations because he is a pretty particular fella, but we have charged him with the mission of finding his future wife at watch out ladies, he's gonna have his a-game on....

2nd option (and the more amusing one):
Well, since Salerno and LP are one for one with the mid-year "romance" and marriage to follow, we gotta keep up the tradition......and when Steph, Ryan, and I were talking at the Richmond when we were up there, we came up with a plan......since the future couple can't be coming back next year cuz that is when they are supposed to be getting married, they have to be 2nd years....(as pointed out by Ryan) for that comment, we (or maybe I....not really sure if Steph was in d'accord) decided that it would have to be Ryan Hawkins and Katy Myers.......get ready to lay down your a-game Ryan!

And so folks, keep your eyes out for happennings at mid-year......becasue we have to fulfill the 4 goals of Crusade, Build, Win, Send, and Get Married....


wow that was fun.....


At January 23, 2006 7:51 PM, Blogger Rich said...

Internation Christian workers... What can you do with em eh? All of this matchmaking does make you wonder.

Just kidding guys. Have fun at midyear.

And Tim it'd be cool to see you mate if you are in town. Liverpool can never have too many Americans.

At January 23, 2006 7:53 PM, Blogger Rich said...

that should be international by the way

At January 24, 2006 4:02 AM, Blogger Kat said...

oh Rich, we are dragging our whole team up to the LP after mid year! We gotta go to the Richmond so I can get my "girly" cider!

Tim, everybody is slightly scared of commenting on this post cuz they know its true ;) HAHAHAHA jk I'm just glad to see other americans for a change!

At February 02, 2006 7:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said... true (though rarely spoken) The four goals for Campus Crusade..."Win, Build, Send" and lest we forget "Get Married", uh, did ya ever find anyone for Nate? Hehe!

At February 04, 2006 3:29 PM, Blogger Kat said...

haha why, no we didn't ;)

At March 02, 2006 1:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So the comment on here was definately not from this Courtney....sorry know my feelings on the incest within campus crusade.


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