Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Well, here's my first post....

And I mean, my first post for this random comment other one is ........that recaps vital information for my everyday life......but in line with the LP team's randomosity I will be bestowing upon the masses my random comments and musings from my world.....

stay tuned :)


At January 04, 2006 7:05 PM, Blogger Andy said...

Hurrah!!!!! I get to post the first ever comment on your blog, and I can't think of anything to write. And soooooo... bring on the blogging.

At January 07, 2006 8:00 PM, Blogger Rich said...

Another British person commenting on your blog. Isn't Britain great?

So yeah i found my way to your blog thanks to the wonder of links. It was fun meeting y'all in the Richmond Tavern. Hope all is well near the Med and keep it chilled.

At January 08, 2006 7:08 AM, Blogger Kat said...

yeah, I guess Britain is pretty great ;)

All is well here, you'll probably be hearing if its not :)


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