Monday, January 09, 2006

Slightly obsessed?

Yes.......2 blogs in one afternoon! As well as with this......

so, last night Nate and I were eating pizza and I saw a grease stain and said,
"hey, that looks like a paw print"
and Nate said "a JAGUAR paw print"
and as soon as the word jaguar came out of his mouth, I BOLTED out of my seat and ran past katy and tim, that were coming in the door at the moment, to the check the outcome of the Jags playoff game.......we lost to the Pats 28-3....I mean, they've beat us 2 other times in the playoffs IN Foxboro, so why should this time be any different? Ok, I'm over it.....but since I am still obsessed with the NFL, I still gotta pay attention to the goings next weekend's playoff schedule:

Redskins at Seahawks, Sat. 4:30pm
Pats at Broncos, Sat. 8pm
Steelers at Colts, Sun. 1pm
Panthers at Bears (!?!?!??!!?!), Sun. 4:30

So onto my amusement.....I am on the superbowl website and it shows photos from all 4 victorious teams in the playoffs last weekend.....I look at the first one, and this one guy looks familiar (I mean they all look familiar, cuz they're famous, but this guy is EXTRA familiar).....I keep looking at it, and I almost yelp from excitement (yep, you didn't know that one, such as I, could yelp).........its MARK BRUNELL! My BOY! *pause for backstory* backstory commences: He was the Jags' QB for 8 YEARS! 31 mil for 6 years! He was well worth it, I believe....backstory finishes*pause over* I was SOOO excited for him! He is an awesome QB and I am now rooting for the 'skins in these here well as the Steelers AND clue how that's gonna work out, but I want Peyton to get to a Superbowl!

So here I am......halfway across the world, a little too obsessed for my own good....

stay tuned :)


At January 09, 2006 11:52 AM, Blogger Brittney said...

i am ticked that that the bungles lost.

a torn acl on the 2nd play.

it figures....

At January 09, 2006 5:11 PM, Blogger Kat said...

I will be on the edge of my seat waiting for that to come true.....unless the Jags beat them to it ;)


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