Sunday, January 08, 2006

This is pitiful....

Especially because this isn't even interesting and I feel the need to put it up here....

We got back on friday night and I hung out at the guys' place and watched some Lost.....and at about 1am, I decided that going back to an empty house up that monstrous hill wasn't very I stayed in their extra bed......

Saturday, I woke up at 2:15, had a conference or 2 with God, talked to Tim some, did some blogging, and then watched Lost and ate dinner.....and at 1 am, that hike looked nowhere near desirable......

This morning, well.....afternoon, since I woke up at 12:30, the girls came over to go to lunch about 5 min after I woke up......needless to say, I'm NOT going out looking like I just woke, all of them left, and I am sitting here all by my lonesome....blogging.....pondering when I should take my shower.....


The biggest reason I think I didn't go home yesterday or out with them today.......*drumroll please* is I think my mind doesn't want to go back to it.....I mean, I had a break of 3 weeks! If I go back to the apartment, that means that I go back to working on relationships, stressing about work, sharing a room with 3 other people, and appearing to be somebody that I'm not (I'm definitely working on that one).......and here I go again making it seem like its such a bad situation, but its really mind is playing tricks on me.....

I think my mind just wants to watch Lost... :D

Oh you guys didn't know what you were getting into when you enticed me to sign up for this thing ;)


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