Thursday, January 19, 2006

Public privacy?

One of the great things that Italy can give STINTers like us is "public privacy" may be asking yourself "self, she is sounding like a crazy person! what might this mean??".....well, I'm gonna help you understand the joys of "public privacy" in Italy....

When you are in a place such as Salerno, where about 3.5% of the population (its true, I have done studies!) speaks can be so private in public places! Sometimes its better to be surrounded by 100 italians than it is to be in a room with 10 english speakers trying to have a conversation.....its like a special freedom you have, because on that 3.5% chance that a person around you can understand you, there is NO WAY they can FULLY understand what you're up to.....

Case in point: (or point in case, to those select few that choose to express it like so)
Our 30-45 minute bus ride to and from the university has been an awesome time to get our convo matter if we have our faces in an italian's armpit or have 2 seats to yourself, you have all this time to do nothing but talk......

In my experience, when I have nothing else to do except talk, that is when it all comes out.....I mean, besides turning anti-social and putting my ipod in my ears and jammin out to the latest songs from Mr. A-Z (shout out to whoever can understand that), there's nothing else to do! Maybe because I know the other person can't leave, they're stuck there to listen to anything I have to say and vice versa......some interesting things come out in those situations! If you wanna get me talking, get me on a bus and ask away.....


At January 20, 2006 2:11 PM, Blogger Kat said...

why you are correct in your assumption sir......maybe there is something in that stuffy bus air that pulls everything out of people.....

that convo tonight with 5/6 of the team there was pretty funny too :)

At January 21, 2006 11:10 AM, Blogger jessica said...

hahha -- this is the privilege of being bilingual in america...esp funny: my mom and i always chatter in chinese in crowded elevators..."i think someone smells really bad in here" / "the person next to me is stepping on my foot" / "oh see? that was the bag i was talking about" .... hehehhehe =D

At January 21, 2006 11:11 AM, Blogger jessica said...

wait...SIX MORE MONTHS??????? omg girl.
by the way, it's *clearly* your turn to come to HI.

At January 21, 2006 12:06 PM, Blogger Kat said...

I wanna be that good in another language! Definitely won't happen though.....

my "turn"?!?! What about your turn to come see me?!?! haha The last time I saw you, I was the one who drove to where YOU were! ;)


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