Monday, January 16, 2006

Oh for the sake of fashion......

So you know, coming overseas into a whole new culture, you should expect some changes......but really, fashion never crossed my mind to be THAT high on the list....but here I go on a rant....

Well, for one, the LP team has a TON of problems to deal with in the so-called "scouse" fashion.....when we were up there, we partook in the "dress up like a scouser" activity that was a part of their fun-filled and action-packed team night.....that style they got up there pains my EYES to have it come across my line of vision....

But Italy here is a different story....

For one thing, as was observed at our in country mid-year, all Italians have like 4 outfits and they just rotate them all around......on top of that the non-existence of the antiperspirant/deodorant combo in the country of italy, just doesn't fly with me.

Secondly, as in ANY europeean country (and coincidentally in ANY nightclub area anywhere in the world), girls go to great lengths to freeze themselves to death in 40 * F weather in skirts that are 2 inches long!!!

Here's the the land of leather, and subsequently shoes, people spend an OUTRAGEOUS amount of money on their footwear....not just footwear, but the most dangerous footwear known to man! I mean, there's not really any genuinely FLAT sidewalks/streets in Salerno, but EVERYBODY has a pair of stilettos! Us, apparently "uncoordinated", Americans can barely walk down a cobblestone hill in much more complicated footwear than sneakers, and they insist on boots with a spike of death on the back! I tried to join in the masses of Italian residents and get my hands on a pair of boots, but I knew better than to go all out and break my ankle with 5-inch heels, so I got some VERY NICE brown boots with a heel on them the shape of a small block of wood.....and they serve me just fine. =) But if you don't end up breaking your ankle or careening down a cobblestone hill (as us girls have almost done quite a few times), your feet are tired anyways because you have been trapesing all over creation with all of your weight on the balls of your feet!

So yeah, girls go through that pain with the vast array of heeled footwear, but do guys go through excrutiating pain to look good in Italy? I really haven't seen anything too terrible, but then again our guys aren't fully embarking on all that is fashion for the uomini over here......

...there probably is something painful about that italian mullet, and I don't wish that fate on anybody....


At January 17, 2006 11:58 PM, Blogger jessica said...

yeah...miniskirts in the snow...stilettos to class over cobblestone...done that. lol. hehehe.


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