Tuesday, April 04, 2006

A taste of home....

.....is sort of sad when it doesn't come from home, it comes from London :-D

Last week we went to London with Luca to see his sister, Enza......it was so fun! Well, besides the getting up at "o' dark thirty" the mornings of our departure, it was pretty cool! We walked around a LOT, saw most of the British Museum (including statues of Ramses and important Roman folks and the famous Rosetta Stone), visited the Globe Theater, "had a curry" made by Enza's Indian friend, ummm......and lots of Starbucks :) We defintely hit up some Subway sandwiches too.....not to mention the kids smoking pot behind us in the restaurant......

We did all the typical things like riding the underground (dude, that's a big deal when the metro you most frequent is the sketchy Rome metro), trafgalgar square, picadilly, saw buckingham palace and the weird walking guards, and of course the obligatory picture with all of the group in a phone box :) You will probably be seeing those pics in my comrade Tim's blog pretty soon, so don't get too worked up because you're not seeing them now :)

But, yeah...the taste of home.....we popped in a Tesco our last night after dinner and STOCKED UP......I mean, Dr. Pepper to the max :) as well as some Cadbury chocolates, twinings tea, SQUASH (2 flavours-I keep having this tendency to spell the british way in this post....hmmm), and some favourite spices such as cajun seasoning and chili powder.....Yes, I do realize that most of the items on that list are solely British, and that is the part that I find odd....even though the UK has never been my home (and probably never will be), I definitely took part of it home with me to Italy to make me feel better for living in the backwards country that is socialist Italy....



At April 04, 2006 1:59 PM, Blogger jessica said...

haha, cheers for twinings tea. =) i miss london! maybe we can congregate there next year? i can't believe you could stand buying starbucks...everything is the exact same "price" but in pounds...twice as expensive!

At April 04, 2006 2:00 PM, Blogger jessica said...

oh i've gotta say...try this tea called "genmaicha"...it's green tea with popped corn and toasted rice. absolutely splendid.

At April 04, 2006 6:42 PM, Blogger Andy said...

Hey Kat

Great to hear what you've been up to, and that you've become a SQUASH convert.

Are you staying in Salerno next year?

At April 09, 2006 7:09 PM, Blogger Rich said...

Haha. The British Museum rocks. It really does. You should check out their website - they have this really cool database of around 15,000 objects in the museum and information on them. Fun - in a geeky kind of way.

Glad you had fun in London and that all those splendid British products made you feel at home. Tis marvellous.

And its great to hear that you are returning next year too. Y'all should definately come and visit Liverpool, even though I suspect i shall be run off my feet on Relay. What do you reckon Andy?

At April 12, 2006 6:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always get jealous after I read your posts. Western Europe - how nice. I'm such a sinner. Enjoy your Dr. Pepper, I'll just go over here to my little corner and drink some cumas. Fermented horse's milk - now THATS just what the doctor ordered.

At April 14, 2006 5:27 PM, Blogger Rich said...

Hmm... I really think there needs to be a Solerno blog update soon. I need blog updates. Ha! Hope y'all are ok. R

At April 16, 2006 10:37 AM, Blogger Kat said...

by george, I think you might be right Rich! :-D I better get on that before we hop on a boat for Spring Break!



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