My apologies...
to all those who have been subject to the competitive spirit between me and Tim as of late...
I would like to inform you that I am not an idiot........for further details, I shall refer you to
My awesome shoes....
So I was inspired by Brit's collar-popping post......and I must make a quick announcement.....
I don't like shoes
My whole team knows this, and I thought I would impart this knowledge on the rest of the world for the purpose of this blog post.....
But because of the frigid qualities of Italy (who'd of thunk it?), I can't wear my flip flops year round ......that's what us floridians try ya know ;)
I hate shoes so much that whenever I get inside, I take off my shoes AND socks even if it isn't my house!
But I have discovered a solution to the evilness that is shoes! Well, its not TOTALLY resolved, but slightly cooler.........
I am attempting to bring back the style of not tied shoes.....mine are totally loosened, no strings lagging behind, just pure comfort! I love it....
Saved the best for last...
or is it first because this one is going to be listed first on my blog page? hmm...oh well...

And last, but not all time, utmost, awesomest, and unbelievable Olympic moment......I got to go see Freestyle Moguls!!!!! It was great........Nate came with, and we got to sit next to Toby Dawson's (the bronze medalist) girlfriend and her family, so they gave us signs to hold up.......and if anybody saw a sign like this on tv, that was us holding it!
Ok, so my other obsession......
Might definitely be the Olympics.....
and here is my first foray into posting awesome pics on here, so bear with me folks....
We got to the go to the Olympics on Feb 8th, and we got back umm.....the morning of the 16th? Yeah.....Nate and I were the stragglers that got back the latest.....
We got to do SO MUCH cool stuff, meet so many cool people, and here is my photo recap:
This is when we ate our bag lunches at the ski jumping mountain in a half finished log cabin :)

Its not really monumental, but there's me and Katie Elizabeth Bearden....

I did get to meet Jonny Moseley, but that picture hasn't arrived yet, and well, I just had to get him in here.......I will note that when THEY met him the day before, I freaked, and then when I met him the next day, I FREAKED even more.....

This is me and Katie Elizabeth Bearden on the train on valentines' was the last totally clean outfit that I had! Just happened to be pink....but Katie's was too, so we took a picture!
grrr.....gotta make another post.....
Back from Mid-Year!
I guess I wasn't successful with making either of my 2 matches happen.......sadness.....
but I had a lot of fun! I successfully played in AND WON 2 football games! (wow....I just rediscovered the country radio switch on itunes...this is awesome!) I got to hang out with the Liverpool, Paris, Sweden, and Grenada teams, as well as all my Italian peeps!
So some random comments from this past week or so:
I got to wear my flip flops for the first time since November! YAY!
We had an interesting array of food, but good!
I have this syndrome called ATMS.....Afraid To Miss Something.....and it was in full swing this week! I would stay up till all hours just because other people were!
I have really missed the sound of the ocean (don't lie, Salerno doesn't have a beach with sounds.....the waves just lap up on the dirty sand), especially when we left our windows open all night and we woke up to the sound of the waves......
There was one momentous occasion where I was talking and I genuinely did an Italian hand gesture.....I have been around it so much that I have made it a part of my communication!
Another thing I noticed when I was in Liverpool........I ALWAYS look "left, right, left" when I cross the street......its always been a part of my life......and when I went there, I had to TRAIN my mind to look "right, left, right".....and it was hard! It seems like such an easy thing to do!
On the way back yesterday we stopped off in Rome for lunch with our friends and a cappuccino.....yeah.......lets revisit that statement......we stopped off in Rome (we live somewhere near Rome where we would travel through there to go HOME) for lunch with our friends and a cappuccino (we KNOW people who live in Rome and we can just hang out with them for lunch and a cappuccino)....I think that is CRAZY that we can just stop off in Rome for a couple hours! We didn't really do anything touristy! We killed some time before we met the Rome team by looking at a couple street artists' work, but that was the MOST touristy thing we did! I am so amused.....
Yes, we did go back to Liverpool......and we had a great time! KC made some awesome taco/chili dish, and we had Kentucky Derby Pie and Cheesecake for dessert.....I got to go to the top of the anglican cathedral, see MUNICH (awesome movie), and then get a curry! YAY Rich gave us his own tour of the LP on the way to the movie theater to see the movie times, and it was fun! Thanks dude!
AHHHH!! There was much tv watching there, I got to watch some One tree Hil, Scrubs, Futurama, 8 Simple Rules, and Sportnight......AND I got to see an episode of Family Guy!!!!!! I was SO HAPPY to do was amazing :)
Wow this a bunch of random things.....but oh well!