So this week, Katy and I went to Sardinia/Sardegna (the Italian spelling) for our spring break was really fun, but I will regale you with the stories of our odyssey later.....after these messages from our sponsors....
As Katy and I were walking down a dirt road in search of things for Katy to take pictures of, she says "Kat, you and I have very different tastes...." and at the time, I really couldn't think of anything that stood out except for the fact that I'm not a big fan of pictures.....earlier that day she said "I love pictures, I am sad for people who lived before cameras" and I thought to myself, "umm....they're not always that awesome" haha
I can't stand trying to make something boring or ugly look good in a picture....if its not at least HALF cool, I don't want to bother......I think I'm half decent in making something cool look cooler, but its not something I seek out all the time......
and on that note, I will share some of my amusing pictures I took this week....
this is the most amusing one I have...its like a half-tunnel in a mountain :)

and of the sun after trying to capture many different angles, finally got this slightly interesting one....

I realized I like taking pictures of where we are going in a car :)
And every STINTer should be required to visit..

And then the compulsory pictures of the beach that are hard to screw up....

that's all I got for now.......hope you enjoyed!
So, spring is here....
And I have come to find out that we are actually popular and well liked! All last semester, we were all alone and only had Shannon (from the Pisa team) come to visit us in October....we were getting to feel lonely! We had to convince ourselves that we had friends by going other places to visit them.....thanks to the wonderful LP team for boosting our confidence a little bit in December!
So yeah....apparently we are popular! Katie and Regina from Florence came a couple weeks ago, and viola! Then everybody came to visit! This week we have 3 of the Pisa team and 3 of the Sweden girls! It involved some logistical maneuvers, but we are all chillin in the 2 Salerno apartments having a blast.....we finally get to show off our town! We went to Amalfi on Saturday with the Sweden girls and I bought a leather wallet from the leather guy for 14 euro! Wow I have a lot of exclamation points in here......
Well, I'm not sure if ya'll know, but our spring break is...well, now.....and our team is dispersing....Katy and I are headed to Sardinia! For those of you not in the know, its some really spiffy Italian island between Italy and africa.....and its supposed to be gorgeous! There's a lot of water activities of course, and I am determined to do at least ONE of them......I had my sights set on kite surfing, but that's a ton of money, so if that is ruled out, I am aiming for a sailing excursion (I have been longing for a sailboat ride ever since I saw our view of the Mediterranean Sea from our apartment window), some jetski action, or convincing the diving people to let me go dive without my certification card (who would think of bringing a diving card on STINT?!?!?!).
I will fill ya'll in later....when I get back on saturday!
A taste of home.... sort of sad when it doesn't come from home, it comes from London :-D
Last week we went to London with Luca to see his sister, was so fun! Well, besides the getting up at "o' dark thirty" the mornings of our departure, it was pretty cool! We walked around a LOT, saw most of the British Museum (including statues of Ramses and important Roman folks and the famous Rosetta Stone), visited the Globe Theater, "had a curry" made by Enza's Indian friend, ummm......and lots of Starbucks :) We defintely hit up some Subway sandwiches too.....not to mention the kids smoking pot behind us in the restaurant......
We did all the typical things like riding the underground (dude, that's a big deal when the metro you most frequent is the sketchy Rome metro), trafgalgar square, picadilly, saw buckingham palace and the weird walking guards, and of course the obligatory picture with all of the group in a phone box :) You will probably be seeing those pics in my comrade Tim's blog pretty soon, so don't get too worked up because you're not seeing them now :)
But, yeah...the taste of home.....we popped in a Tesco our last night after dinner and STOCKED UP......I mean, Dr. Pepper to the max :) as well as some Cadbury chocolates, twinings tea, SQUASH (2 flavours-I keep having this tendency to spell the british way in this post....hmmm), and some favourite spices such as cajun seasoning and chili powder.....Yes, I do realize that most of the items on that list are solely British, and that is the part that I find odd....even though the UK has never been my home (and probably never will be), I definitely took part of it home with me to Italy to make me feel better for living in the backwards country that is socialist Italy....