Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Back from my whirlwind trip!

So, I have been absent from internet land as of late......I mean, I had to travel to Rome, to Dublin, to Malaga, to Nerja, back to Malaga, to London, to Naples, and then back here.....from Jan 20th-Jan 30th :) crazy stuff I tell ya....

We had some great times, but not so sure I will be able to remember the high points.....but I shall try....

after having to get up at 2am to take a train to catch the flight to Dublin, we got there, ate, and then attempted to see the town......a Book of Kells and a Christ Church later, we ended up at one of the most awesomest restaurants in Dublin, Gallagher's Boxty House.....then proceeded to sleep in the airport....

for a week of awesome, got to have some great musical worship time, hang out with great people who know what we're going through, and sit in the warm sun while everybody else in Europe was freezing!

this part of the blog needs special it will be coming soon......along with a movie much pressure!!!



At February 02, 2007 8:52 AM, Blogger Eric said...

I'm jealous you went to London! I'm going to make my way up there, too. Ciao!

At February 02, 2007 9:45 AM, Blogger Jess said...

awww I am waiting in SUSPENSE!!


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