I thought I'd show you a bit about where I live....

Since I am home and all, I figured I should show and tell ya'll what my life is like, what I love about where I live, and what I hate....
First of all, I live on Amelia Island, FL....home to the city of Fernandina Beach....so no, there is no Amelia Island High School as rich people wish, its good ol' FBHS, home of the fighting pirates :)
So, my island is almost in Georgia, and the way of life is more like Georgia than Florida.....hicks with big trucks and gun clubs and umm.....not sure what else, but somehow, it mixes with the resort-ish amenities of this quaint little island that only has 2 bridges to leave it (one to the mainland, and oddly enough, one more to MORE islands)
Our mighty fightin' pirates are named after the pirates that used to rule the waters around my island.....ever heard of Blackbeard? yup, he had a place.....
Seen the Pippi Longstocking movie? yup....filmed here....know people in it....
Ok, enough about all of the weird facts I know about my hometown (oh wait....one more, we have had 8 flag changes over this island, including pirates and mexico)......
Yes, it is a small town......
weird things that make me happy:
-When I can plow full-speed through the intersections of 14th/Sadler and 14th/Center.....you can fly over those bumps and it makes a ride home worthwhile....
-going to the beach to see a storm ride in
-mostly independent restaurants and stores, all with charm
-pretending to be a tourist and walking in historic downtown with overpriced antiques, tshirts, and home decor
-blowing all of my cash in the candy store
-beautiful sunrises AND sunsets over the water
-the fact that the farthest I will have to drive would be 10 minutes to get ANYTHING
-actually being able to see the night sky
-knowing people who can take me flying
-seeing people around town I actually KNOW
-Moon River Pizza pepperoni pizza slice and gorganzola salad
-coming up with random stuff to do
-knowing most of the people in my church
-I know the inventor of the Pound Puppies
-living where people vacation
lame things that make me unhappy:
-not being able to leave the house looking less than presentable because you WILL see people you know
-nothing to do entertaining because I have exhausted all possibilities for the 18 years I have lived here, having to make up stuff to do
-having annoying things be good things too...
So I guess there's not a TON of stuff bad about this place, but a TON of good stuff...I really do love living here...
so, that's all I got for now.....I am here in America till Jan 10th, then back to Italy....oh yeah, and Atlanta Christmas Conference in Atlanta next week! YAY!
OH! You're home! I totally should have called you yesterday then!
cause, see, Jump5 (remember them, ;-)) they're still stalking me!!! LOL..
Well, Chris at least, and he's the only one that matters, right?LOL! I nearly died (from laughing) at work yesterday b/c he came in to shop with his mom and dad. There's a girl I work with who lived in Ocala and did all the Carpenter's shows too, so she knows who J5 is... and they're on our CD for store music.. we totally wanted to play that song while he was in there, but my manager wouldn't let me skip tracks!! lol
I just thought you'd enjoy that!
I've been to your island! :-) But never to see you... :-(
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