Friday, January 19, 2007

I'm still alive....I swear...

almost too tired to post on here....

I know for sure it will be short.

I got into Italy last week with my visa (yay!)

Have been dead tired since.....not fun.....and tonight is the only bed we will have, if only for 3 or so hours, until Sunday night. Our train leaves for Rome at 3:25 tomorrow morning, taking a flight at 9 or so to Dublin, then spending the day in Dublin and night in the airport, then a flight to Malaga, take a bus to Nerja, Spain for our Mid-Year with like half the STINT world! YAY! It was only 2 regions last year, but 3 this year....not sure how that will be different.....but after that week, we are flying to London for 3 nights/4 days....yay! Then back here......

that is all....we are having a 24 party today.....watching on Justin's projector, the 4 starting episodes....YAY!

that is all....really....


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